Jun 21, 2012

Hey there everyone! Bare with me while I begin my blog, starting...NOW!

How exciting! There are several reasons why I am blogging. I'd like to share with the world, MY world. My tastes, opinions, and expressions on the things I love such as music and fashion! I'd like the take you all on this journey of growing up and developing into the person I will be in the future, and along the way having an exceptionally rad time!

Let me begin by explaining that I am a 21 year old girl who is "Plus Size"... but, I never really let my weight stop me from being the person I am, from letting my personality shine! I recently had Vertical Sleeve Gastronomy because of my health, and since then have lost a lot of weight, but again, I am a curvy girl, and don't believe I will ever be anything but, I love my curves! :) I am studying American and Global Studies at Uni. because I love the "American Culture" and the lifestyles that those around the rest of the world experience. I love meeting new people from anywhere and everywhere and developing relationships with all kinds of people (so don't be shy!). Alsoooo, I have a pug dog named Newman, be prepared because you will be hearing about him a lot! He's the love of my life.

I promise to post as many outfits or OOTD posts as possible to share with all of you my personal expressions through my clothing and to share tips and ideas with each other, whether you're curvy or twiggy. ;) Also, I'll let you know my current tunes and maybe even to some Artist/Album/Song reviews.

Okay so, I'm going to kick this off with a dress that I wore for the first time in 2 years yesterday. The photos aren't fantastic, and the details might be lost, but I promise to get better with that as well. :)


The dress I got at J.C. Penny's a while ago in the advg. section, it's an XL, but it runs larger. (I am a 16/18/20/22 depending on the cut/style of clothes.) It's a great maxi and isn't made of any cling material, it's light and airy and has pink and blue flowers all over it. It looks white, but it's almost an off creme. This time I paired it with some silver bangles, and earrings and a nice triple tier pearl necklace, usually I think pearls and silver clash, but I enjoyed the way it looked this time!

This dress is the perfect example of always trying things on and looking for things everywhere, that no matter what size you are, you should never limit yourself! All clothing is made differently, and you know what, all clothing looks different on everyone at all different sizes. Never be afraid to go down or go up a size, it can change the fit completely and you might be surprised!

Anyway I hope you all liked my first somewhat- outfit post!

On Another Note:

I am currently jamming out to a fantastic Brit composer( and i say that because this boy is so insanely talented he actually composes his own songs) Ed Sheeran!

He recently and instantly became one of my all time favorite artists, up there with The Beatles and Zeppelin! He just released his album "+" in America!

His songs are stories, they are intense and the music is sweet. It's perfect to relax to and perfect to jam out to a bit. His voice is possibly one of the most beautiful male voices I have ever heard, and the music sweetly matches it. My favorite songs from the new "+" album are: "The A Team", "Drunk", "Grade 8" ,"This City", "Lego House", "U.N.I.", "You Need Me, I Don't Need You", "Give Me Love" and of course, "Little Bird" - Now I know that's like practically the whole album, but that's just how good he is! All of the songs are so amazing, those listed above, like I said are my favorites.

Speaking of my favorites, if you want to explore him some more, my favorite song he has is "firefly" off of "Loose Change" album.

Alright just so ya'll know, because i know you all want to...

You can BUY his "+" at the iTunes Store HERE !
Check out his Website !
Buy the AWESOME jewelry his mom hand makes Here!
Anddddd follow him on Twitter!!

No but seriously, he's amazing and you really should tune in!

Okidokie everyone! I hope you enjoyed my first post, have a great night, and leave me some AWESOME feed back! :) <3!

1 comment:

  1. So good of you to finally join...:wink:!!! Love your post :)

